Thursday, July 3, 2008

Stay True

It takes discipline to stay true to the call, to keep our feet on the road God has us on. There are so many good things pulling at us, but what has God asked of you? What is the part He wants you to play? Pleasing God, staying in tune with His plans and purposes in our lives, that can be the challenge. I am grateful when I am reminded that my most important role is following Him in everything. I try to stay in His grace. From there, I am able to do so much more than I could on my own. In fact, I am amazed at how much passion, drive, and energy I can run in when I am running in His grace, staying true to the call of God on my life. I LOVE what I do for God, and it worth the price.

Pastor Allen used to tell us, when we were younger in the ministry, that if we were burning out, likely we had stepped outside of God's grace on our lives. It's the place of striving and self-effort that we can fall into.

Let's stay in His grace and run with all we have.
Let's stay in His grace and be positioned for the "suddenly".
Let's stay in His grace and take ground.
Let's stay in His grace and see people saved, healed and delivered.
Let's stay in His grace and happily serve Him with our lives.

Let's ENJOY our relationship with God and one another.

Stay true to God's call, and love those who around you.

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