Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Kingdom and Power of God

I love how, in the Bible, David doesn't shy away from sharing his real feelings with us. In Psalm 22:1 he says, "Why are you so far from helping me?". Ever feel that way? But no matter what our circumstance looks like, no matter what we are feeling, we are given a key in the next verses for seeing a change happen.

(vv.3-4) But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted, and you delivered them."

Praise brings the presence of God into the midst of the situation. Charles Green calls it the "distinct manifestation of His rule. God enters!" This is not a temporary visit. When God is enthroned, He is planning on staying. He settles Himself in for relationship with us.

Jack Hayford says "The presence of God's Kingdom power is directly related to the practice of God's praise. The verb "enthroned" indicates that wherever God's people exalt His name, He is ready to manifest His Kingdom's power in the way most appropriate to the situation as His rule is invited to invade our setting".

His Kingdom come!

God's Kingdom is not mysterious or difficult--praise Him! See the reality of God's Kingdom enter into your life. Exalt the name of the Lord, lift Him up! God will be glorified.

These verses link together praise, trust and deliverance. These three work together to establish God's Kingdom in our situation. Put your trust in the Lord. Your praise reveals the trust you have in Him. Sing it, shout it, let it be heard!

God sovereignly chooses how He will manifest His Kingdom. [The Kingdom is at hand - look to see how God is revealing Himself in your life - He IS at work!] He will come as we praise Him [the Bible just said so!], so we trust Him and let Him show Himself as He chooses.

Sometimes we are dismayed because we want Him to come in a certain way or time - but trust the Lord - He is working to show His kingly authority in your life. God will be praised and magnifed! His victory in our lives sets us free from sin, torment and shame. His "kingliness" drives out the harasser. His light causes the darkness to flee. He is the King!

I am reminded of the calling Paul had as he was sent out to "open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me" (Acts 26:17-18). Praising the Lord is one of the ways that we can do this! As I practice a lifestyle of praising the Lord in every situation, I am bringing His delivering presence into the situation for me and those I am with. This is something I can do!

I will praise the Lord today, putting all my trust in Him, and He will deliver me, showing Himself strong to the praise of His glory!
Remember the Lord in all His goodness and trust in Him. Lift your voice in praise and watch Him work. Where He is, nothing can stay the same!

1 comment:

  1. The power of praising God is so lost in today's world.
    I remember reading Andrew Murray's book, years ago, entitled, The Power Of Praise. It may be out of print, but oh so powerful.
    I was thinking about that on Tuesday.
    A friend came over for prayer concerning an upcoming heart surgery. As I anointed her with oil, I was led to praise God and acknowledge His wonderful ways. I did not ask him for healing, but thanked Him for it.
    We both experienced joy and peace.
    I am wanting to live a kingdom life, right here, right now. I want to know, feel, experience God's presence right now. His Word tells me He inhabits His praises. S-o-o-o-o: I need to continually let the praises of my mouth go forth. So simple.
