Friday, July 11, 2008

Guard our Foundations

Psalm 11:2-3 "For look! The wicked bend their bow. They make ready their arrow on the string, that they may shoot secretly at the upright in heart. If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?".

Their is a battle against our foundations, and to get at them, the wicked are aiming right at our hearts. What is in my heart? I'll tell you what is in mine: my family. My husband and my children. My God, my church, the Word of God. These all matter dearly to me, and they are under attack. We cannot be fooled into thinking this attack doesn't touch us, but it does.

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard a report of an hotel owner who made a $125,000 donation to a cause he believed in (I believe it had to do with supporting marriage as between a man and a woman, but I'm not sure). This man was sued for supporting what he believed. The commentator who was justifying the action said that "of course we have the right to give money where we want to, but to give this much money must have been motivated by fear or hate." That doesn't even make sense. Do we now live in a country that will censor our giving? Since when is it acceptable to Americans to censor free speech? To censor what we read or quote? Because this is happening more and more today, and is often targeted at Christians who are expressing their beliefs.

If our foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? We need to guard our foundations now, fight for what we hold dear in our hearts, and not allow fear to intimidate us, not allow ourselves to be bullied down.

The amazing challenge as Christians is to do this in love. To stand in our convictions of faith, loving others. It is not love to allow others to steal our foundations. Lord, help us! Lord, help us know how to guard our hearts and our foundations!

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