Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When Favor is No Longer Evident

Have you ever experienced the favor of God? When all of life seems blessed and is going in the right direction? Have you ever been given promotion beyond your expectation? Favor is a fun ride!

Psalm 44 talks about God's favor and how it has,
  • brought us into possession of the promises He has given us
  • Saved us
  • Pushed down our enemies
  • Put to shame those who hated us

"In God we boast all day long, and praise Your name forever".

BUT...."what about now"? We may have experienced favor in the past (hours, days, months, years), but now the tables seem turned:

  • we retreat v. advance
  • we are shamed and taken advantage of
  • we are divided, possibly left on our own
  • people hate us and mock us

Ever been there? Things were going so good, the favor was exciting, but now it all seems to be going wrong.

BUT..."We have not forgotten You, nor have we dealt falsely with Your covenant. Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from Your way."

As Christians, we have known the blessing and favor of God in our lives, in our Nation. Yet today, we increasingly find ourselves hated, mocked and persecuted. This happens in the media, the court systems, schools, business....We have become safe targets to shoot at. Remember that old hair color commercial, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"? Perhaps the change is in part because of the favor itself.

Perhaps the change is because we started taking credit for what God had done for us and began to move in our own strength.

No matter the reason, the Bible is clear that if we humble ourselves, pray and seek Him, turning back (repenting), then He moves. In a sense, we take our hands off and make way for Him to come again and show Himself strong to the praise of HIS glory.

Do you find yourself in a time of favor? Praise Him! Keep the praise going UP! Be diligent to follow hard after Him and see great things accomplished far beyond what you could think or imagine.

In a time of trouble? Make room for Him to move again. ..."We have not forgotten You, nor have we dealt falsely with Your covenant. Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from Your way." Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Guard your heart and remain diligent to trust God.

"...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content...." (Phil. 4:11).

May His strength bring you through, no matter where you are.

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