Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lakeland had made me think

Friends told us yesterday of a ministry on the other side of the world that just revealed hidden sin and deceptions of a grand scale that truly has stunned their community. This can be disheartening to continue to see such things in the Body of Christ. It is a disease that cannot be ignored, it kills a Body that is mean to be glorious. Despite the negatives, I think we are on the brink of a GLORIOUS OPPORTUNITY, for the Bride to truly rise up and shine in all of her beauty. To shake off the sin that has entangled her, to no longer be impressed with outward appearances, but to seek the "truth in the inward parts".

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man".

Now is the time for us to finally get this - to stop elevating and promoting each other, and to elevate and promote the Lord. To not be concerned about our "rights and authority" in Christ, but to let God exercise His. To lift Him up. (I am secure in the authority I have in Christ because I know it is not mine, but His).

I think we sometimes fall into the trap of having such long-held dreams and desires to see God move in certain ways, that we fail to be discerning. I know for myself that at times I can assert that I want God to be in charge and move how He wants to move, yet in my heart I am expecting this or that. We hold on to expectations and judgments of how we think it should look or sound if it is really 'anointed'. Really? Can we really know the mind and ways of God so absolutely? Lord, help us.

Church, let go! Read the word, pray and cry out to the Lord, petition heaven, mix the word with faith and run forward! Declare HIM and His goodness. The future lies before us full of His promise. I believe God wants to establish His reputation - not ours. Are we really ready for that? Lift up the name of the Lord! Let's continue to believe God for true revival!

"Because they do not change therefore they do not fear the Lord" Ps. 55:19

That won't be us! We will learn from our mistakes and move forward in the fear of the Lord.

Lift up the name of the Lord and praise His wonderful name!
His beauty and majesty are known in the heavens and the earth,
Glory and honor are His.
He alone is the King Eternal,
He will be praised.
Exalt the name of the Lord,
Lift Him up!

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