Monday, August 11, 2008

Gifts, Fruit, & Reconciliation

Yesterday I had the honor of my husband sharing the pulpit, allowing me the privelege of sharing the Word with the Body. Part of that message (available at for free downloads), was that FRUIT is who we are, GIFTS are what we do. I shared about the importance of the fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in our lives, creating a firm foundation for the gifts of the Spirit to be added on to as they are given to us. Fruit can be cultivated, gifts are received....but you can listen to the message for more of this.

So today, I was contemplating these things, gifts and fruit, and was reminded of Matt 5 where Jesus is talking about being reconciled with offended brothers. He says "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First, be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift".

Our gifts cannot be rightly given when there is not reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says that God "has given us the ministry of reconciliation", that just as Christ has reconciled us to Himself, we are to now live in the same manner.

So this causes me to ask myself - "Have my gifts eclipsed my ministry of reconciliation? Are my gifts being used to foster reconciliation"?

As a believer, I am embarassed when those who have received beautiful gifts from God refuse reconciliation. When ministries experience success because of their giftings, yet are not humble to be reconciled with those who are offended by them, this is not love, but arrogance? The attitude seems to be that the gifting somehow implies a "pass" on having to explain ourselves.

I heard a testimony recently of a minister I deeply respect, giving a "pass" to a fellow minister because of the personal relationship they had. Because he knew the man personally, he was asking others to also give him a "pass", to trust his judgement. There was no scriptural foundation for the "pass" offered, just personal experience, which may or may not be valid. And yet the man in question has done little, if anything, to reconcile the offenses against himself. Now, I know that we are not to hold offenses in the first place, but as ones entrusted with the gifts given, we have a responsibility to lives of reconciliation, whether we think the offense is justified or not.

As a ministry, I should be willing to lay open my finances to give an account to those who are offended by what they see. I should be willing to explain the foundation upon which I base my ministry. I have nothing to hide and desire that all men be edified. I cannot hide behind my gifting. The gifts God has given do not make me "special". Gifts are given to all for the edification for all. I am already special because Christ, though I was dead in my trespasses and sin, died for me, that I might be reconciled to Him. He set His heart upon me before the foundation fo the world!

So what about us? The "every-day believer"? Let's endeavor to not hide behind the gifts God has given us, but to live lives of reconciliation with God and man. This will take courage, humility, and grace to lay ourselves open in this way, but Jesus said that it is possible (not easy, but possible)! Are you ready to look in the mirror? I'll go first....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You have given me much to think about.
    Reconciliation. Hiding behind your gifts to to avoid being reconciled. I really, really need to ponder that.

    Here's why. I was recently fired. In MY mind, I am the righteous one. (Smile)

    Holy Spirit has been provoking me to forgive her. OK. I forgive her. Then He wants me to tell her! Well, I have many reasons why I should not do that. But, I have learned one thing in my long life and that is that you do NOT ARGUE WITH HOLY SPIRIT!

    So yesterday, I skipped church. (Should I confess that to a pastor?) I stayed at home, reading scripture and again was confronted with what I should do. So, I sat down and wrote her, telling her specifically what I was forgiving her for.

    "Ask her to forgive you."

    "What, God?"

    Make a long story short, I did ask for her forgiveness. Then I was led to bless her. As I put my pen to paper, I knew what I was writing was anointed. He gave me specific blessings for her and her family. Wow! I mailed it today. A step in reconciliation.

    I don't think I was hiding behind my giftings. I was hiding behind my "supposed" wrongs, offenses, whatever. I had to give up my perceptions of being the righteous one and start obeying God in righteousness.

    Lesson learned. I don't know what will happen next. But I am trusting God with this.

    Reconciliation. Wow, I will have to think about that!
