Saturday, August 30, 2008

TLC: Live with Vision

People underestimate the power of having a clear vision to live by, work towards, dream of. I'm amazed by how often we allow life to suck us up and wring us out in the day to day minutae of activity, caught up in doing what the day dictates. What would happen if we took our lives back?

Now, before launching into visionary thoughts, let's consider common mistakes we make: our visions tend to be self-centered, closed off and limited. Ouch! I discovered this while doing a vision exercise at our church. We were encouraging people to have vision for their lives, to create "dream books" about what they were believing for. No matter what age we worked with, there were two common responses. First, there were those who had never ever given thought to such things. They had no dream or vision for their life. It was neat to watch them begin to consider the possibilities. Some were scared at first, and some had been living a vision but just hadn't clearly identified it.

Secondly, there were always those whose dream books were all about what they wanted for themselves. The car, the spouse, the house, the stuff. They hadn't reached the point of seeing beyond themselves in the process. We all go through those stages.

I believe that when we can identify a vision that goes beyond ourselves, that is not easy to achieve but challenges us and challenges the walls of limitation we have lived in - that is true vision. Let it be large and vibrant! Dare to dream! Vision always needs to be broken down into bite-size chunks. There are steps you are going to take on the journey, but you need to know what you are running for!

At The Life Church, Mission Bay, we have a vision. Simply put, it is Encounter, Equip, Engage. We believe that this church, a part of San Diego for 30 years now, is here for a purpose that will touch not only our personal lives, but the lives of those around us and abroad.

It is essential that we be able to encounter the living God, to come into a close and sustained intimacy of relationship with Him. As a church we facilitate these encounters through the preaching of the word, worship and prayer. These elements are woven into all that we do. We desire to know God more and more!

Being in relationship with God is only the beginning. Living the activated life of a Believer, being a Disciple of Jesus, is key for us. We encourage all believers to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible, God's words to us. We also get excited about helping others find out how specially made they are: an amazing mix of temperment, gifts , abilities and experiences that work together to be a tremendous blessing to those around you!

Knowledge is nothing if it is not used. Believing is not real if it is not put into action, tested, activated. Nothing it more thrilling than for us to stand on the foundation of our relationship with God, prepared to use what God has given us, and launch out to touch others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are believing for a massive paradigm shift - that the Church will see that no matter where she goes or what she does, she is a disciple of Christ. We see a bold and passionate people influencing their workplaces, neighborhoods and families with the love and power of God. Partnering with God to reach those who are lost in darkness and bring them into His marvelous light, seeing them saved from sin, healed from infirmities of body and soul, and delivered from bondages. A people no longer living for themselves but for something greater, SomeONE greater!

We don't believe in wasting time. Times are moving quickly now, hastening forward...let's not waste it. If you are joined together with The Life Church in commitment of relationship, then run with us. Let's go forward together. We have somewhere exciting to go!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lakeland had made me think

Friends told us yesterday of a ministry on the other side of the world that just revealed hidden sin and deceptions of a grand scale that truly has stunned their community. This can be disheartening to continue to see such things in the Body of Christ. It is a disease that cannot be ignored, it kills a Body that is mean to be glorious. Despite the negatives, I think we are on the brink of a GLORIOUS OPPORTUNITY, for the Bride to truly rise up and shine in all of her beauty. To shake off the sin that has entangled her, to no longer be impressed with outward appearances, but to seek the "truth in the inward parts".

Psalm 118:8 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man".

Now is the time for us to finally get this - to stop elevating and promoting each other, and to elevate and promote the Lord. To not be concerned about our "rights and authority" in Christ, but to let God exercise His. To lift Him up. (I am secure in the authority I have in Christ because I know it is not mine, but His).

I think we sometimes fall into the trap of having such long-held dreams and desires to see God move in certain ways, that we fail to be discerning. I know for myself that at times I can assert that I want God to be in charge and move how He wants to move, yet in my heart I am expecting this or that. We hold on to expectations and judgments of how we think it should look or sound if it is really 'anointed'. Really? Can we really know the mind and ways of God so absolutely? Lord, help us.

Church, let go! Read the word, pray and cry out to the Lord, petition heaven, mix the word with faith and run forward! Declare HIM and His goodness. The future lies before us full of His promise. I believe God wants to establish His reputation - not ours. Are we really ready for that? Lift up the name of the Lord! Let's continue to believe God for true revival!

"Because they do not change therefore they do not fear the Lord" Ps. 55:19

That won't be us! We will learn from our mistakes and move forward in the fear of the Lord.

Lift up the name of the Lord and praise His wonderful name!
His beauty and majesty are known in the heavens and the earth,
Glory and honor are His.
He alone is the King Eternal,
He will be praised.
Exalt the name of the Lord,
Lift Him up!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Truth in the Inward Parts

The truth can hurt. It can be ugly. It can be freeing.
The Bible says that God "desires truth in the inward parts" of us. We aren't supposed to hide our stuff, deny it or run from it. Rats.

Of course, reading that was like shining a light on "stuff" in me. I like to think that my reaction to acknowledging my "Stuff" is normal - what everyone else would do - I want to run from it. Forget about it.

"Fearfulfness and trembling have come upon me, and horror has overwhelmed me. So I said, "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. Indeed, I would wander far off and remain in the wilderness. I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest". (Ps. 55:5-8) Yep, that's me.

But if I run, the stuff just stays in place, perhaps grows more entrenched, and I really do want to be free from it. We all have "stuff". Areas of weakness in our hearts where we are vulnerable (attitudes are biggies). There are times where I empathize with the Apostle Paul as He cries to God to remove the thorn in his flesh - he is tired of dealing with it.

V. 22 says "Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved". "When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back; this I know because God is for me....In God I have put my trust" (Ps. 56:9-10).

I know, am convinced, that God is for me. He doesn't bash me with my "stuff". He forgives it. I am standing in the righteousness of Christ, and God will not permit me to be moved because I am His. Beautiful.

So, I desire truth - bring it on. But God, have mercy upon me and deliver me!

Gonna do a little freedom dance now.....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fathers and Children

Proverbs 17:6 says "the glory of children is their father".

Think on that!

I had just been thinking about all the men I have heard or read about in recent days who have had moral failings and have either left their families or who continue to make a mess of things. All of these men, some in politics and some in ministry, have families. Wives and children. Where is the glory for these children?

If I was a man, this alone would give me great pause to consider what I wanted in life. Is it better to have the trappings of "success" or to bring glory to your children? At the end of life, would your rather your children say "he was a great success" or to say "he was a great father"? What inheritance are you leaving for them?

One of the men who has been in the public eye for his failures said that his celebrity had caused him to become egocentric (his word) and that he didn't think the rules of right and wrong applied to him, that he wouldn't get caught. I was amazed at the candor of the statement. It is quite a truth to realize about ourselves: the more centered we are on ourselves, the less we see how our actions affect others, the more calloused we become to the consequences.

In stark contrast, we can see the way our Heavenly Father is and live by His example as One who "is a glory to His children". He marks our lives with glory, with blessing, with honor, with all of His goodness because He is a good Father.

That's a lot to live up to. Perhaps fathers can simply begin with the desire to live their lives in such a way as to bring glory to their children. Sounds like a good start to me. And may every father know that you are not alone in this, but God, in all His power, might, and goodness, is with you. God bless you!


Just say the word "inheritance" and our eyes light up and our pulse beats just a bit faster. It's a word filled with expectation of good things, of blessings you didn't have before, of generosity. To be included in an inheritance, it's filled with possibilities.

But funny creatures that we are, we tend to jump from the end of humbly and thankfully receiving what wasn't ours to begin with, to licking our chops and looking for the best cut to consume for ourselves.

No, no one I know has died. But I read Psalm 47:4 and it says that God "will choose our inheritance for us".

What struck me immediately was an embarassingly fleshly reaction. "He chooses it? But I want to choose it for myself". There it was, laid frighteningly bare - I thought I could choose the best for myself, that I would do a better job than my loving Father, that somehow His best for me wouldn't equate with what I wanted. Selfish creature.

Scripture makes it clear that our loving Father desires to give us the best gifts. He is omniscient, and knowing all, He is more than able to make the best choice to bless my life. And since when did we begin to think of our spiritual inheritance as a goody bag of treats that we get to choose from? "I want great faith. I want miracles. I want riches. I want.....". In our minds we know that HE is the greatest inheritance we have, but still we want....

Inheritance isn't a goody bag. Death is required. Usually, to receive an inheritance, someone has to die, and Christ died to give us an inheritance of eternal life with God. Would I rather plead with God for the inheritance that I think I want, like the prodigal son? Or will I trust the God who "will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom He loves"?

He loves us. Let's love Him back and let Him pour out His blessings, receiving with thankful hearts and great joy His love poured out into our lives in endless creativity, variety, and generosity. God is good!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

When Favor is No Longer Evident

Have you ever experienced the favor of God? When all of life seems blessed and is going in the right direction? Have you ever been given promotion beyond your expectation? Favor is a fun ride!

Psalm 44 talks about God's favor and how it has,
  • brought us into possession of the promises He has given us
  • Saved us
  • Pushed down our enemies
  • Put to shame those who hated us

"In God we boast all day long, and praise Your name forever".

BUT...."what about now"? We may have experienced favor in the past (hours, days, months, years), but now the tables seem turned:

  • we retreat v. advance
  • we are shamed and taken advantage of
  • we are divided, possibly left on our own
  • people hate us and mock us

Ever been there? Things were going so good, the favor was exciting, but now it all seems to be going wrong.

BUT..."We have not forgotten You, nor have we dealt falsely with Your covenant. Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from Your way."

As Christians, we have known the blessing and favor of God in our lives, in our Nation. Yet today, we increasingly find ourselves hated, mocked and persecuted. This happens in the media, the court systems, schools, business....We have become safe targets to shoot at. Remember that old hair color commercial, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful"? Perhaps the change is in part because of the favor itself.

Perhaps the change is because we started taking credit for what God had done for us and began to move in our own strength.

No matter the reason, the Bible is clear that if we humble ourselves, pray and seek Him, turning back (repenting), then He moves. In a sense, we take our hands off and make way for Him to come again and show Himself strong to the praise of HIS glory.

Do you find yourself in a time of favor? Praise Him! Keep the praise going UP! Be diligent to follow hard after Him and see great things accomplished far beyond what you could think or imagine.

In a time of trouble? Make room for Him to move again. ..."We have not forgotten You, nor have we dealt falsely with Your covenant. Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from Your way." Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Guard your heart and remain diligent to trust God.

"...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content...." (Phil. 4:11).

May His strength bring you through, no matter where you are.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Fruits of Righteousness

Well, to continue on the subject of fruits, today I read Proverbs 12 - what a great Proverb, so much to chew on.

Sunday, I talked about the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, Galatians 5:22-23), and touched briefly on the Fruits of Repentance and the Fruits of Righteousness. Proverbs 12 talks about the fruits of righteousness. I call it the "root fruit" chapter. :0)

Here are some of the fruits of righteousness:
  • Immovability. (V. 3) says the "root of the rightoues cannot be moved". See Phil 3:9 and Isaiah 11:10.
  • Right Thoughts (v.5)
  • A House that will Stand/endure, not be overthrown (v.7)
  • Kindness to animals (v. 10)
  • Fruit (v.12), see Galatians 5:22-23, Matt. 7:15-20
  • Safety (v.13) "But the righteous will come through trouble"! - In particular I believe the verse is saying that because the righteous know how to hold their tongue, speak wisely, etc., they are going to be saved from a whole lot of trouble. Amen!
  • "No grave trouble will overtake the righteous" (v.20)

GOOD STUFF! That is some fruit that I am interested in having.

Even better, it is not our own righteousness that brings this good fruit, but living in the righteousness of Christ, "being found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith." Philippians 3:9

Sometimes the path of seeing the fruit developed is not fun (Hebrews 12:3-11) as God trains us as sons, but in the end it "yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness".

Hmmmmm, how is my fruit looking today?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gifts, Fruit, & Reconciliation

Yesterday I had the honor of my husband sharing the pulpit, allowing me the privelege of sharing the Word with the Body. Part of that message (available at for free downloads), was that FRUIT is who we are, GIFTS are what we do. I shared about the importance of the fruit of the Spirit to be cultivated in our lives, creating a firm foundation for the gifts of the Spirit to be added on to as they are given to us. Fruit can be cultivated, gifts are received....but you can listen to the message for more of this.

So today, I was contemplating these things, gifts and fruit, and was reminded of Matt 5 where Jesus is talking about being reconciled with offended brothers. He says "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First, be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift".

Our gifts cannot be rightly given when there is not reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 says that God "has given us the ministry of reconciliation", that just as Christ has reconciled us to Himself, we are to now live in the same manner.

So this causes me to ask myself - "Have my gifts eclipsed my ministry of reconciliation? Are my gifts being used to foster reconciliation"?

As a believer, I am embarassed when those who have received beautiful gifts from God refuse reconciliation. When ministries experience success because of their giftings, yet are not humble to be reconciled with those who are offended by them, this is not love, but arrogance? The attitude seems to be that the gifting somehow implies a "pass" on having to explain ourselves.

I heard a testimony recently of a minister I deeply respect, giving a "pass" to a fellow minister because of the personal relationship they had. Because he knew the man personally, he was asking others to also give him a "pass", to trust his judgement. There was no scriptural foundation for the "pass" offered, just personal experience, which may or may not be valid. And yet the man in question has done little, if anything, to reconcile the offenses against himself. Now, I know that we are not to hold offenses in the first place, but as ones entrusted with the gifts given, we have a responsibility to lives of reconciliation, whether we think the offense is justified or not.

As a ministry, I should be willing to lay open my finances to give an account to those who are offended by what they see. I should be willing to explain the foundation upon which I base my ministry. I have nothing to hide and desire that all men be edified. I cannot hide behind my gifting. The gifts God has given do not make me "special". Gifts are given to all for the edification for all. I am already special because Christ, though I was dead in my trespasses and sin, died for me, that I might be reconciled to Him. He set His heart upon me before the foundation fo the world!

So what about us? The "every-day believer"? Let's endeavor to not hide behind the gifts God has given us, but to live lives of reconciliation with God and man. This will take courage, humility, and grace to lay ourselves open in this way, but Jesus said that it is possible (not easy, but possible)! Are you ready to look in the mirror? I'll go first....

Monday, August 4, 2008

Get Real

Can we just tell the truth? Why do we feel the need to hide instead? People hide behind justifications (for Christians, these are often couched in Christian-ese), or we may even hide by not communicating. If I say nothing, then I can avoid confrontation, conflict, or simply keep things simply the way I like it without interference from others (otherwise known as control).

Is a relationship hurt by failing to tell the truth?

Sometimes Christians hide from telling the truth (or being true) in a cloak of spiritual endeavors, verbage, piety. Yet, The Sermon on the Mount is filled with practical applications for true relationships, and none of it is spiritually-coated avoidance. How often would we rather 'pursue God' rather than deal with our relationships. We can pray for people, but do those people know you care? Have they experienced true relationship with you?

As Believers, we should be different - not because we use spiritual words or do spiritual activities, but because we are changed. I guess we all have a long way to go.