Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Christians, Community, Barriers, $.....

I've got a lot of thoughts percolating about being a Christian, church, and living like a Believer. Since I don't know exactly what I want to tackle first, I thought I'd just hit on the thoughts and see where it will develop later...sorry, but bullets help me order my thoughts....
  • Lots of talk about "community", what constitutes community, how it achieved/maintained, how it is redefining (potentially) the "church" as we know it. I actually love this line of discussion, and think it's essential for Christ-followers to consider. Things to think about: letting go of traditional church structures; accountability and discipleship; roles and relationships; mission-reaching the lost....One question I have is that time is short and so many people are yet to be reached for Christ - does "community" focus on the believer or can it be intentional and purposeful about introducing others to Christ?
  • Barriers that exist not just between believers and non-believers, but between Christians! Had some amazing conversations these past months with people from different denominations who have amazing hearts and passion for God, and discovered the barriers we had in communicating (to our Christian brothers) by the words we used. Different definitions for words we commonly use. These men have both the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Spirit evident in their lives, and yet our words created barriers. So: do we shut off conversation because of words we use? Are we willing to converse and learn what our differences are so we can come together? Do we label things in a rigid manner that excludes others? (for example, we often say we are "spirit-filled" because we are baptized in the Holy Spirit and operate in the gifts of the Spirit. But all believers are "spirit-filled", and I know people who would never label themselves this way but who function in the gifts of the Spirit....I've found it is offensive to fellow Christians to say "I am spirit-filled", implying that they are not? Words, wording, definitions....). Do our labels, titles, words create unnecessary barriers between Believers, and what does that say to the world?
  • Sectarianism. What an ugly word, yet it seems alive and well in church? Sigh. "I belong to this group or this stream" mentality. Holding up one over the other. Yet we are enjoined to lift up Christ - that's our standard. We can enjoy the particular communities we relate in, but can we do it without exclusion? How can we be many different parts of the Body without excluding or demeaning the value of the other? Many in the Body have been stung by rejection in this area.
  • Politics, $, tradition: allowing either of these to get in the way of authentic relationship? Do I need to say anything?

Oh, that's enough of that for now. I'm excited about the future, actually. There is nothing better than being a follower-after-God, joining in on His plan for this party. I'm excited that when God wired me up for life, He gave me interesting thoughts to think, and I look forward to thinking them for Him. At least my thoughts interest me, lol! :)

And for the record, I love the church - it's His Body! I love the inter-connectiveness that that implies, and the life that is meant to flow from one part to the other. I love that it is an extension of HIM. How awesome is that?


  1. NASA refers to the people and their families that work there as a community. The SEALS teams use the phrase community for anyone that is a SEAL or works with them (support, logistics, etc.) My community is the people in my complex and the people I go to church with.

    So who makes up your community? Is it your geographical neighbors? People with the same unique skill set as you? People you work with? Your facebook friends? No wrong answer.

  2. Thanks Mike. So then, community is to be defined separately by each group that gathers,dependent upon their particular needs/desires? Are there common factors? Does it come down to a common intention/motivation? How is it formed? Mysteriously and organically? How is it fostered? Indeed, what makes up community....
