Wednesday, November 19, 2008


You know when you read the Bible and a verse causes you to pause and tremble, when the fear of God, an awareness of Who He Is, rises within in you? That moment which causes you to say "Lord, is that me? Keep me!"? It leaves me trembly inside. I read such a verse this morning.

"Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression". Psalm 19:12-13

I often pray and ask God to shine His light on my heart that nothing hidden can remain there, so I'm not nervous about secret sins (the Bible does remind us that NOTHING stays hidden). But what are "presumptuous sins", and how can they rule over us?

Numbers 15:30-31 says "But the person who does anything presumptuously...that one brings reproach on the Lord, and he shall be cut off from among his people. Because he has despised the word of the Lord, and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his guilt shall be upon him".

This tells me a few things about presumption:
1) We can be presumptuous about anything. Big or small, I can act presumptuously.

2) Presumption brings a reproach on the Lord. That word "reproach" means 'to hack with words'. It means 'revile; blaspheme'. That's what my presumption does!

3) It ends up hurting me and others around me. Not only will I be cut off, alone with myself, but others are deprived of the good measure I have been given to share with them. Presumption isolates me from others and stops my ability to share with them.

4) It means that I have despised the word of the Lord. I have gone my own way. Pride and arrogance. I've not sought what He would say, but have done what I thought was right.

5) Presumption is a sin, it breaks His commandments.

6) It adds guilt to me.

So, as I began to repent before God, I asked Him to show me what it looks like.
That moment when I don't stop to consider what His word says, to seek His counsel, but do what is right by my own knowledge, understanding or experience. When I lean on me. When I follow my emotions or what is "right for me". When I know something (a thought, attitude, or deed) is wrong, but I hold onto it anyway. When I allow sin to reign in me, presuming on the grace of God. When I don't change. When I stand in God's place and judge others harshly as if I know all that is to be known. When I don't read my Bible, but skate on grace. When I read only a portion of the word and stand on it's narrow ledge, forsaking the breadth of God's counsel.

Presumption presumes that we know what God would do, yet the Bible tells us that His ways are unsearchable. He doesn't operate the way we do. I can be all kinds of "right", yet fall into presumption. And such sin begins to control us when we fail to submit ourselves to the Word. That is why it is so vital for us to read the Bible, to let it wash over us and convict, challenge, cleanse and heal us. It shines a light on the way we should go. It does the most thorough of "heart checks".

Lord, "keep me from presumptuous sins", and let Your word do it's work in us.

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