Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Musings on Justice, Mercy & Faith

Jesus said that "Justice, mercy and faith" were the weightier elements of the Law that were being neglected by the Pharisees.

What is justice and how is it executed? Who is responsible for it? Is it always paired with mercy and compassion?

We know that we are to be just. Noah was referred to for our example as a just (lawful, righteous) man.

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8

We are to be just in our business dealings and in our relationships with others (doing what is naturally, morally or legally right; showing equity).

We are justified (made innocent; righteous) by faith in Christ. We can't do it of ourselves.

Justice refers to making things right.
And it is often paired with mercy.

Isaiah 58:6-7 speaks of justice, of fasting to "loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free that you may break every share your bread with the hungry and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him....." Justice and mercy.

The greatest mercy we have ever received was that while we were steeped in sin, Christ came and died for us. The greatest violence in the name of justice was the violence that Christ received to Himself to make us just/right/innocent of our sin. Christ brought justice through His blood, once for all. I do not need violence to bring justice. Christ already did that. I need to do justly, do what is right, be innocent and love mercy.

I can bring justice to the world by doing justly in my corner of it. I can uphold justice by my choices, attitudes, actions, and speech. And I can do it with mercy, the same mercy Christ showed me. Humbly before God.

The horrible truth is, Christ will come back to execute final justice. At that point all will be judged, both the just and unjust. Until that time, how great a charge we have to bring Christ's justice to each and every person, that they have the opportunity to believe on Him and be saved by faith. I cannot force justice on anyone. But I can show it, live it, think it, speak it. Humbly before God.

Am I walking justly? Treating others right? Am I standing for justice? Making just choices? Am I loving mercy? Am I relying on Christ's justice or seeking my own? Am I in humility?

more to think on....

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and justice and mercy, I too see many times where the Christian Church and Christian in general simply don't give it enough importance. Social Justice seems to leave a bad taste in most peoples mouths especially conservatives, however that is exactly what Jesus was about....
    With the millions of homeless, and Invisible Children and Afirca, not to mention the thousands upon thousands of homeless right here in San Diego, they are simply not served or folks tell em them need Jesus or what ever, but to go to them and serve them right where they are at is little done. However there are people like the Isaiah Project and the Waterman that do just that....serve without thought of anything else but serving, thank you for posting that.
