Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pet Peeves and Things I Love

I'm always hesitant to put pet peeves out there, but thought maybe if I also put what I love out there....maybe it will be cathartic. These are in no particular order, and may be repetitive and it is not exhaustive...

Peeve: People who have something to say but nothing to contribute.

Pleasure: People who get it done.

Peeve: People saying "God told me" as a rationalization or justification, yet they have no Biblical support for such a claim. Does God contradict Himself? Do we find support in His Word to back up what He is saying to us now? I should hope so!

Pleasure: The wealth of the word that brings a richness and depth to God's voice, that resonates when a person shares, causing the living word to come alive.

Peeve: When pride trumps experience (in people's attitudes and mindsets)

Pleasure: When humility trumps experience (in people's actions and words)

Peeve: People using relationship to attain a platform (or looking at people as objects to speak into and thus gain a platform)

Pleasure: People caring more about people than platforms.

Peeve: Hidden judgements and critical comments and attitudes that erode the good

Pleasure: Undercurrents of unity, pleasure, rejoicing together in common purpose.

Peeve: Closed ears and proud hearts in Christians

Pleasure: Ears that hear and hearts that rejoice, seeking the good, advertising it and sharing it.

Peeve: Excusing unrepentant sin because of charisma or gifting.

Pleasure: Gentle, persistent, loving restoration that doesn't give up but continues to believe God for a turnaround.

To the Peeve's out there: I have been there. I occasionally still visit there. There's no ill will, it just makes my stomach turn when I see it in myself or anyone else.

To the Pleasures: out there: Keep rocking it!

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