Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Politics & Religion

Even writing the title of this makes me cringe. Do these words even go together? I was contemplating Jesus' take on politics, the dominion mindset some Christians have, etc., and I have not spent time developing this, but it's just my thought process.....

Jesus came for ONE purpose - to seek and save the lost, utterly destroying the work of the enemy through the redeeming power of the cross and His resurrection. He deliberately avoided getting caught up in the political turmoil of the times (both in and out of the church) and kept His focus on loving people into the Kingdom. He preached the gospel to them, prayed for them, fed them, etc...and left the decisions up to them. If they chose not to follow Him, He shook the dust off His feet and went on. He continued on His mission to show us how to live out life in Him, to all who would hear.

What's amazing is that He did not react and point the finger and judge those who chose not to follow Him. He didn't criticize or demean. He wasn't mean-spirited. He just moved on to the next town. His fierce judgement was for those in the "church" who were politicizing and profiteering off of the people instead of leading them into the love and grace of God.

The Father's heart was His only agenda. Now that's straight talk! Now that is true change!

So in a time of political debates and elections, there are tremendous wranglings over who is the "right one" to vote in, which party is "better", etc. There are the harsh words for the "other side" (whichever one that is for you). Neither side treats the other any better than the other. We gleefully spout our judgements over our neighbors and their "wrongness", all the while neglecting the heavier weight of the law: Loving our neighbors. When the elections are over, a soul still hangs in the balance. When the elections are over, will our witness be destroyed by playing politics?

Don't get me wrong - we should fulfill our duty to vote, and do so informed and in good conscience to our beliefs and values.

But must we destroy our witness to the world in the process? Who wants to hear of God's love and grace from people who don't exemplify it in daily life? Sigh. Humility is required of every man. God loved US when we were steeped in sin, and gave His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. He continues to love us when we err, when we stray. God loves McCain and God loves Obama. God loves the neighbor who believes differently. God loves Muslims and homosexuals. God loves fornicators and adulterers, liars and the proud. God loves you. He loves me. Our job is to love Him back and to share His love with others. What they do with it is between them and God. But we never give up loving. 1 John says how can we say we love God and hate our brother? Can love and hate spring from the same well?

Love. Love and don't give up loving. Share the gospel in word and deed. Exemplify God's love the best you can every day. And when we fail at love, forgive and exemplify that. Let's put down the pointing finger and harsh judgements and let God stand in His rightful place (i.e. we need to get out of His way and let Him be the judge).

Love. Don't let politics and religion suck you down and miss the simplest truth there is to live by....

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