Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tough Decisions, Peace, & Alligators

Ever wrestle alligators? That's what a friend calls having a hard day dealing with issues, dealing with people. Ever tried it? It's exhausting! No, I haven't wrestled real alligators, but you get my drift. Sometimes the battles we are in seems endless. There are opposing and contradicting forces pulling one way and another, we aren't sure from one day to the next how things are going to end. But then....

When we are torn between two opinions, pulled in different directions, and we have a decision to make, how do we know when we make the right one? Peace. A supernatural peace that goes beyond our own understanding. I've recently spent months and months wrestling alligators in my own life. Then I made a decision, and with that decision, peace flooded my soul. That is nothing less than God.

John 14:27 (NLT) "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid."

See, the difficulty is that I want to make decisions that God would make - and that isn't always recognizable to me. Sometimes it goes against what I want, what seems logical, etc. But when I make a decision that lines up with His will, His peace comes. A relief from struggle and burden.
Was I sure the decision was the right one? I thought so, but was still wrestling....until I made my decision firm in my heart, and the peace came.

Without the peace, I'd still be wrestling.
So, if you have decisions to make, if you are feeling pulled betwixt and between, choose which way you will go. If peace is not your companion, go back to God because you're not done yet.

And by the way, having His peace doesn't mean I understand it all, doesn't mean I have all the answers, except for one: I'm right where I need to be with God. Beautiful.

Got peace?

How do you handle making tough decisions? Does peace play a factor in the decision-making process, and what is that like?


  1. One of my favorite and increasingly enjoyed benefits is God's Peace. I've been on both sides and choose Peace over alligator wrestling these days. Good word sis. Love you! --Marlene

  2. Wow. Weird how I "stumble" upon something so absolutely directed at my life right now. I'm desperately trying to have His peace with my decisions. Very hard when I feel that everyone around me does not support my decision. Last week I had such peace with God that I am on the path I'm supposed to be. That my decision(s) are good and supported by Him. Yet this week, I'm wrestling the alligators again.
    Thanks for the reminder. Suzanne

  3. Thanks for that...being in His Peace is definitely how I want to live my life. I need to do better at identifying when I'm wrestling the alligators and step back and go to God. Thank you for that reminder, Michelle!! ~Charity
