Monday, June 22, 2009


Money is an uncomfortable subject for many to talk about, but honestly, it's a necessary part of our daily life, so let's talk.

Just as our physical bodies have many members, as believers we are all members of one Body, Christ’s. When we withhold from the Body, it strangulates the flow of life, potentially resulting in death to parts of the Body.

Growing up I had friends who raised sheep for showing – you know, competitive judging for best in breed, etc. One day I watched them place rubber bands tightly at the base of the each lambs tail. When I asked why, they explained that the rubber band cut off the circulation of blood to the tail and eventually the tail would fall off, which was part of the requirements for showing. Blocking the flow of blood to the tail resulted in death, severing the tail from the body.

In Biblical application, 1 Corinthians talks about how we are the Body of Christ. This truth can be applied to our lives both individually and to the church – many churches make up Christ’s body, and each part contributes to the health and vitality of the whole.

There are parts, some worthy of more honor than others (parts that are more visible, prominent), but we do not disregard any part – all parts of the Body are necessary. God does not create unnecessary parts! Some may esteem one ministry or church over another, but God says there are no unnecessary parts! Where you are positioned in a Church, you are connected to the whole Body. Just think, each part of your own body has vessels that direct the flow of blood, the flow of life, throughout your whole body (via veins, capillaries). If you choose not to allow “life” to flow through your part (such as putting a band around your arm that cuts off the flow of blood), then it will strangulate and separate that very necessary part from blessing and being a part of the Body as a whole.

What strangulates life in the church? Withholding.

· Withholding service
· Withholding money
· Withholding fellowship
· Withholding ourselves. Hearts withheld often results in withholding in other areas.

When there is freedom of flow to each part, life is imparted and shared, enabling each part to function and prosper the Body as a whole with no member lacking. Just think, the veins running through your life, the conduit of blessing through your life, feeds the health of the whole Body. We are “blessed to be a blessing”. Blessing in my life does not benefit me alone! We have the power to bless or curse, to withhold or live generously.

[Note: There are those who argue that the corporate expression of the church is not necessary, but my body is a corporate expression of many parts. What that corporate expression looks like is not what I am arguing, but that we are meant to live in connection with one another, supporting and strengthening each other as we reside in community together. I expect my personal arm to benefit my personal body, etc.].

There is no greater investment than the Kingdom of God. When we give, we give to Him, to the tangible expression of His Body in the earth, and we are supporting the life flow of His Body. Where you are positioned, that is where you are connected to the Body, and that is the point where life is going to flow. As a hand, the life doesn’t flow from my hand to the belly, but from my hand to the arm. Where are you connected to the Body? That’s where your life is going to make a primary contribution to the whole. If you are connected to the Body of Christ via a local Christian Church, then allow life to flow through you to the rest of the Body, freely and generously.

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