Monday, August 17, 2009

I want to be a "Those" instead of a "They"

Are you counted in the "those" camp, or are you a "they"?

I just finished studing Matthew 1-4 and have been really blessed by how Jesus was on mission from His conception onward, (to save His People from their sins) and the lessons we can learn about keeping the mission alive through the examples of Joseph, Mary and Jesus.

Now I am into HAPPINESS, the beatituds in Matthew 5. :0)

and HAPPY are THOSE...(uh, yeah, these are the ones I want to be like)
  1. Who are poor in spirit. You know people like this. They aren't puffed up, but humble, lowly, opposite of those who need to "make themselves big/heard/known". All they have is not their own, but God's. They are God-dependent and claim nothing to themselves. These lucky duckies receive the Kingdom!
  2. Who mourn: These lovelies sorrow over sin, the grieve over it. And not just their own sin, but sin in the world. They walk in true repentance and are compassionate. Their reward? They will themselves be comforted!
  3. Who are meek: These happy darlings are forgiving - they turn the other cheek when smited. They think more highly of others than of themselves, and they shall inherit the earth. No retribution or vengance in this camp!
  4. Who hunger/thirst for righteousness: Christ's righteousness satisfies them, and they shall be filled! They recognize that their own self-righteousness is rags, a blanket to short to cover them. They eat "heavenly manna", bread from heaven, and don't live by man's declarations. They keep looking Up.
  5. Who are merciful: These happy ones spread the joy when they give others a second chance, extending grace and favor to others. They look for the best in people, forgive wrongs, seek to help. In return? They will receive mercy.
  6. Who are pure in heart: "to the pure all things are pure". They believe the best and live in right/clear conscience before God and men, all to please Him - and they will see Him! Their motives are Godly.
  7. Who are peacemakers: These beautiful people create peace instead of stirring up strife, and they are called sons of God. They unite instead of divide.
  8. Who are persecuted for righteousness sake: chew on this! They are persecuted a) for taking a righteous/godly stand, or b) by the self-righteous indignation of others, or c) for Christ's righteousness - their faith. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

and lastly, when "they" revile, persecute, say all kinds of evil against you falsely for His sake, REJOICE and be exceedingly glad!

I want to be a THOSE, a happy one who helps to create that truth in others. I don't want to be a THEY who acts against "those" . Let's be happy and spread it around to others!

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