Friday, July 10, 2009

Moving into New Things

This last week I've been chewing on all the messages we have heard in the last weeks, and I spent time pulling together the recurring themes in them. I also spent looking back since 2002 at recurring themes God has spoken to me personally, and I have to say...


about what God is doing in and through us.

I am also THANKFUL for the friends who have kept up with us, engaging in conversation, dreaming with us, praying with us, believing together for the future. I am GRATEFUL for great and faith-filled attitudes too!

It's hard for us, as human beings, to accept the pace and timing of change - especially if we can see ahead through God's various gifts of discernment, knowledge and prophecy. But to have the amazing Spirit-resolve to see it through to the end - it is an amazing feeling.

Just think...a church without walls...

Long -kept dreams and vision awaken and stir
Unseen chains slipping away
God's timetable moves forward
His perfect timing
A new thing

Revealing - the bad and sad, the good and the glad
Shifting, moving, changing
Growing, stretching, enlightening

Loving, patient, faithful, loyal
Sons, daughters, friends
Tenacious, generous

True friends
Nothing to prove
Everything to gain

Aaaaaaaaaaah. Priceless.

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