Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting into God's Boat and Enjoying the Journey

Mark 6:45, Jesus “made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side…”.

I have the pleasure of living a life chock full of mistakes, trials-and-error to learn from, and the questionable yet compelling desire to share from those experiences. Case in point. Have you ever had one of those times when you are doing something right, maybe even something nice to bless someone else, yet the process of getting it done saps all the joy out of it, not just for yourself, but for those involved. I can give examples from any number of the roles I live out in this life, but here are a few from my experience as a mother, a spouse, a pastor.

As a mother, I want to make my children their favorite cookie to bless them (we don’t usually have cookies in the house. You can pray for how disadvantaged our kids are). In the process of making the cookies, I find I am out of ingredients which calls for a run to the store. Frustration. I didn’t plan on it taking this long. As I am baking I get interrupted with other peoples needs. More frustration. I just want to get this done. As I grump my way through the process, snapping at my family if they should cross my path, my joy is gone and theirs drains away under the weight of my snarky attitude. Oh, they’ll eat the cookies, they’ll like them, but there will be no joy.

As a wife I can want to bless my spouse with some “personal attention” if you catch my drift. As the day progresses, however, things can happen that begin to strip that desire away. Unsuspecting, my hubby can be full of good expectation, while I am fighting my day. I can fulfill his expectations, but if I have an attitude that doesn’t enjoy the process, the end-goal isn’t particularly spectacular for either of us. What a waste!

As a pastors, we can have a vision of God’s purpose for His church, but is the end-goal really the goal?

In Mark 6:45, Jesus “made His disciples get into the boat and go before Him to the other side…”. God sent them in a particular direction, putting them in the boat they were to travel in.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I am desperate simply to know what direction God wants me to go in and how He wants me to get there. In this story, these blessed dudes had that answered for them.

In the midst of their God-directed journey, the winds resist them, making rowing difficult. They are now straining to reach the other side. Wow. How many times have I been headed in a God-direction and felt the resistance pick up until I find myself straining with all my effort to fulfill the vision?

And then there’s Jesus, coming to them, walking on the sea. “Cheer up boys, there’s nothing to worry about” is His response to them. No worries, men, I’m here. See Me? It’s going to be a fine ride!

When we get our eyes on the end-game, on reaching the other side, on gaining the success of our vision, we can strain in the journey when it meets resistance, (or coast along in our own sufficiency when it’s smooth sailing, priding our skill as rowers), and all Jesus wanted was for them to SEE HIM IN THE JOURNEY.

THE JOURNEY is of primary importance. How am I going about it? Do I see Jesus as I travel, or am I focused elsewhere?

Oswald Chambers puts it this way: His purpose is for me to depend on Him and on His power now. If I can stay calm, faithful, and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal of the purpose of God is being accomplished in me. God is not working toward a particular finish—His purpose is the process itself. What He desires for me is that I see “Him walking on the sea” with no shore, no success, nor goal in sight, but simply having the absolute certainty that everything is all right because I see “Him walking on the sea” (6:49). It is the process, not the outcome, that is glorifying to God.

Interestingly enough, when I reach the goal of seeing Him as I travel, then I will ultimately reach my vision “with good cheer”. (Mark 6:50). I’ll have joy in the journey. I like that!
As a church, we have gotten into a God-given boat and been sent in a particular direction. God has directed us to sell our building and start something new, to go where we haven’t gone before. As we push off towards the vision He has given us, will we see Him in the journey? Let’s do it! Let’s see Him along the way – let’s be of good cheer and enjoy the ride with Jesus. Because really, what good is reaching the shore if Jesus isn’t in the boat?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Moving into New Things

This last week I've been chewing on all the messages we have heard in the last weeks, and I spent time pulling together the recurring themes in them. I also spent looking back since 2002 at recurring themes God has spoken to me personally, and I have to say...


about what God is doing in and through us.

I am also THANKFUL for the friends who have kept up with us, engaging in conversation, dreaming with us, praying with us, believing together for the future. I am GRATEFUL for great and faith-filled attitudes too!

It's hard for us, as human beings, to accept the pace and timing of change - especially if we can see ahead through God's various gifts of discernment, knowledge and prophecy. But to have the amazing Spirit-resolve to see it through to the end - it is an amazing feeling.

Just think...a church without walls...

Long -kept dreams and vision awaken and stir
Unseen chains slipping away
God's timetable moves forward
His perfect timing
A new thing

Revealing - the bad and sad, the good and the glad
Shifting, moving, changing
Growing, stretching, enlightening

Loving, patient, faithful, loyal
Sons, daughters, friends
Tenacious, generous

True friends
Nothing to prove
Everything to gain

Aaaaaaaaaaah. Priceless.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Refreshment that Comes from God

This is such a beautiful Psalm, and I think a timely one for us now. When going through tough times, who doesn't relish the thought of trees by the water, the refreshment of quiet, of good things? I put the original here for you first, then read on to my paraphrase. How would you paraphrase it?

Psalm 1, NKJV

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,

nor stands in the paths of sinners,

nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

but his delight is in the law of the Lord,

and in His law he meditates day and night.

He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water

that brings forth its fruit in its season,

whose leaf also shall not wither;

and whatever he does shall prosper.

Now, for the Michelle D Higgins Version.....

Psalm 1, MDHV – A life worth living!

Happy is the one who gets godly advice and counsel for life’s situations,

Who hangs out with people who are living right with God and for God,

Who chooses a faith-attitude that believes God;

This person thinks through a God-filter, seeking and seeing His perspective on life.

This person draws life, soul-care, encouragement, comfort and refreshment from intimate relationship with God

which in turn results in an enjoyable and rewarding life,

one that doesn’t burn out or dry up when under fire;

And succeeds in whatever calling God has given him.

Have a blessed day!